Oreto Station

A starting point for shared reflections

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carlo mannone


The term hyperconsciousness is used to define a state of special awareness. Awareness that the subject has of himself, his identity and the external world.   Hyperconsciousness goes beyond the mental and emotional human being. Being in a state of hyperconsciousness

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carlo mannone

The ring of Girgenti

Foreword Clasping small pebbles of the past to the arrows of the future has always been my work. Not to slow them down or alter their movement, but to instil balance using experience. ___ In Rome, on 27 June 1917,

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carlo mannone

The little paper boat

Once upon a time there was a little paper boat floating inside a large bucket of water. It had an ice cube in front of it. It bumped into it and sank. Once upon a time there was a big

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carlo mannone

Information overload

Just as the most frenetic movements can never compensate for the lack of action, the excess of communication can never compensate for the lack of content. The data storm that hits even the most isolated inhabitants of this earth every

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carlo mannone

The cousin of god

It is interesting that in this age of revolutions, even technological ones, mankind is still cheerfully entrenching itself behind memberships disguised as beliefs that laboriously simulate Faith and Sacrifice. I do not believe I have any particular critical or synthetic

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carlo mannone

RIM Syndrome (Reality-Image-Memory)

The diffusion of multi-task mobile telephones, the “smartphones,” offers new opportunities and enforces the user dependency upon them. We talked of them in a former article : “The Third World”. As an attempt to describe the state of permanent pseudo-alienation

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carlo mannone

The third world

I believe that love, human or divine is simply a form of electric energy. « Give and it will be given to you »: The result of a difference in potential? If the action of giving triggers receiving, if faith can

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carlo mannone

The rights of others

The political struggle that occupies the Italian news media is largely a small-stage spectacle, aimed at letting those who organise or plot behind the scenes act. I believe that citizens have understood how this barrage works. I reflect on the

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carlo mannone

The elegance of the Holy Spirit

The principle of secularism conceived by the Republic a few years ago was intended to appease the exclusivist wave of a very important and present monotheistic religion. This space, in which the Christian religion could no longer find a place,

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carlo mannone

The age of consciousness

While reflecting one day in a new autumn, I wonder if consciousness can grow old. Perhaps grow, and mature in experience. The ego within ourselves recognises itself and finds itself, in the moment of choice, thanks to and because of

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carlo mannone

The value of the limit

The limit, understood as a pause in time and space, helps us to reflect and gives action an extremely interesting definition. The limit, understood as a delimitation and not as an inability to evolve, brings an important meaning to the

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