The rights of others

The political struggle that occupies the Italian news media is largely a small-stage spectacle, aimed at letting those who organise or plot behind the scenes act.

I believe that citizens have understood how this barrage works.

I reflect on the mechanisms that have led to the complete delegitimisation of the vote and the attempt to deconstruct society today.

Worn-out mechanisms on which the State-citizen and inter-party confrontation in general is based.

I leave my political ideas out of these reflections.

I start by saying that I think that the Earth and the World belong to everyone, and that if inequalities still exist, they must be eliminated.

The European social organisation that came out of the post-war period gave hope for a new wind of social equality, equality between men and women, affirmation of workers’ rights and, above all, laid the foundations for the creation of international bodies that would see to it that the situations that had led to the Second World War were no longer reproducible.

Indeed, this was the case.

The 1950s and 1960s as our parents knew them, and the 1970s and 1980s as we experienced them when we were young.

Oil crisis, cold war, and in Italy terrorism.

All in all, without oversimplification, we still distinguished the true from the false, the logical from the illogical, and reality from utopia.

There was a real political struggle, and power was still accountable to the electorate.

We woke up after 2000, and discovered, political unification, economic organisation, ‘common interests’ and packaged reflections descended from above.

Today, in Italy, worried about no longer being fascist, we drown in an anti-fascism that becomes a party programme and not a way of doing and managing power.

As a result of all this, anti-fascism uses so many of the methods of fascism, which in theory it is supposed to combat, and as its first element, absolute contempt for those who have different ideas.

Little does it matter if in our country the will of the people tries to express itself in one way or another, little does it matter if some rulers still feel themselves to be representatives of the people and others to be holders of absolute truth.

The politically immature European organisation gives way to economic union.

The criticism of the European citizens is not listened to as the process takes shape, and in France, the ‘founding’ country, it even goes so far as to overturn the referendum result by decree.

Those who vote against ‘don’t understand’.

The number of those who do not understand matters little.

A certain political class has decided what to do and how to get there.

Since so many changes are socially questionable, and at least on the surface, tax the rich to give to the poor, the European left is permeated by the project.

Permeated because it is clearly used.

As political movements are at an end, espousing this cause ensures new life for those dying groups.

I express no criticism of European socialism.

I hold, without any irony, great esteem for the men and women who defend those ideals.

The real ones.

Social justice, the right to work, the right to grow up and ‘settle down’ as we used to say in the family.

Settling down’ is a balance achieved between economy, work, house purchase and general economic serenity.

Twenty years ago everyone could settle down, today they cannot.

Many will never get there, and those who are will struggle to hold on.

The wealthy classes are allowed to live at the expense of the poorest, the increase in the tax burden is accepted.

After all, the most fragile have no, a priori, or rather do not believe they have any other avenue for political manifestation.

The wave of social poverty, therefore, is not identified with the introduction of the euro, with the competition of multinationals circumventing the levies of the old continent, and, as already mentioned, with the stratospheric taxation that empties the coffers of every family.

This destroys the middle class.

It is that class which sustains the system, and which always tends to encompass more and more people from the lower strata.

The middle class is not synonymous with wealth, it is synonymous with ‘accommodation’.


To justify actions of social de-structuring, the rights of the weakest are invoked.

The voices of men or parties that rise up against are overwhelmed by a piloted press and accusations of racism accompany those of fascism in a composed manner.

Disproportionate sums are invested, or rather, disproportionate sums are allocated….

Deportation from African countries is supported, pink quotas (insulting to the fairer sex) are advocated, violent assaults and thefts in general are not punished, companies in good financial shape are granted the right to dismiss, electric motors are produced in defiance of the most elementary ecological norms, discussions and contributions are made to groups of people who will soon demand the right to marry a goat or to conceive without a womb.

This is not progress.

It is excess.

And not only that.

I think that in our society, everyone is free.

Everyone can express themselves.

I don’t know a single homosexual couple who cannot live peacefully.

I don’t know a single black person who is rejected or humiliated.

I don’t know a normal workplace where a woman with balls cannot evolve.

In fact, I know of one.

Generally, a woman does not evolve to the highest level when the direct superior is also a woman.

I don’t know a single African who would not rather grow and prosper at home than be uprooted and moved aimlessly.

I do not know a single Arab who cannot fit in by working honestly.

I know the difficulties that ALL citizens face.

Covid 19 has come to lend support to every form of political excess.

And the handling of the pandemic is an example of how idiocy cannot hide bad faith.

There is no single European programme.

There is no single international programme outside Europe.

We are fighting an evil that will kill in large part because of the shadow it has cast over diseases and social scourges: tobacco, cancers, cardiovascular problems, hepatitis, road accidents…

Every time, to justify and impose something, the rights of others are invoked.

Those same ‘others’ who are regularly abandoned as soon as the economic and communication operation is over.

Men, women and rights are actually trampled upon.

If the Holy Father were what he is not, he would take care of his mission on Earth, instead of questioning private property, instead of allowing Hindu rituals at St. Peter’s, instead of convening pseudo climate conferences at the Vatican.

Pope Francis, do we talk about the Church’s business with immigrants?

And why don’t we talk about the slaughtered Christians? 

Let’s not always talk about them in the name of the rights of others.

Sergio President, how many names do you have before you give voice to the will of the people?

The ‘others’ are everyone.

And the others invoked as justification for these commando actions against our system are screwed twice over!

What to do?

Ring the alarm bell?

Wasted effort.

There was a time when someone at the other end of the line could get the message and take action.

Not any more.

We can only act in a sensible, uniform and organised way, hoping that we do not return to a medieval darkness.

We buy local products.

Economy, ecology.

Products from national industry, when possible avoiding multinationals.

We demand an ‘Italy’ label instead of ‘EU’.

Let us consume but also conserve.

Let us curb progress that destroys: new does not mean indispensable, and in any case not always.

Let us remove death and violence from television and the internet.

The useless one, the one that does not tell a story, the one that habituates.

The one that takes away the will to build.

Let us not abandon paper currency.

At no cost.

Tax evasion can be combated in quite another way.

Let us ask where those poor wretches crammed into nothing ships and greeted with the most unconscionable or false benevolence go.

Addressing me to the handful of readers who have had the will and time to read this far?

Tell me: Populist? Racist? Homophobic? Misogynist? Fascist? Protectionist? Backward? Utopian?


Free. To know. To remember. To reflect.  To believe.

We can live together without annihilating our culture.

We can pray by letting others pray.

We can truly defend the rights of others.

In a serious, honest and effective way.

We can live in a world of men and things.

Different and diverse.

Indeed, we must.

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