The third world

I believe that love, human or divine is simply a form of electric energy.

« Give and it will be given to you »: The result of a difference in potential?

If the action of giving triggers receiving, if faith can move mountains, in other words faith as energy and mountains as mass, the answer seems to be reasonable.

I don’t want to reduce spirituality to matter, nor do I want to raise matter to a spiritual level, but I can imagine and believe that they are extreme curves of the same line.

This reflection can be applied to the pursuit of Truth.

Not being the Truth of this world, only its search can unite men, like particles polarized in the same direction.

The circle closes if the energy « moves » by accepting to be absorbed by its own source.

The social change, which has become well structured regarding communication and social interaction in general, has seen the invasion of social networks, phones and the web in general.

The world that was imagined in films like « Back to the Future » (1985), where one of the protagonists used a tablet and made video calls, has become a reality and has even surpassed this visionary insight.

Another example is given by « Matrix » (1999), and other similar film productions.

The first film reminds us that progress can be disturbing.

The second, which is new and parallel dimensions are possible and realistic.

So there is this world that we have to access in order to exist, without being able to escape it, because a large part of social and logistical life takes place there.

This world naturally keeps us away from the real world, even though it is not unreal!

It is therefore legitimate to say that the flow of communication from the individual to each new instantaneous communication system contributes to create an immaterial reality but with effective powers towards the community.

The individual who is not conscious or is trained to be silent is drowned in a foreign world much more bewitching than the pure web.

Consciousness gets lost in this virtual quicksand, because it immediately recognizes itself as « equal » and often accommodates the collective movement, thanks to the ease of communication.

The feeling of belonging reaches sublimation.

In this new world, in the absence of physical interaction and direct mental confrontation, there is a
real weakening of the inhibiting brakes.

There are images, poses and intentions that cannot be offered in the « real » world, and we relate to each other in a seemingly « free » way.

In short, a new moral is born, and all this undermines the foundations of social reciprocity.

In this world we interact involuntarily showing a small part of ourselves, which, real, or belonging to the image of a desired self, turns out to be inaccurate because partial.

The communicative context, forced to express itself through a funnel of symbols and short sentences, contributes to a sense of social and intellectual equality.

These interactions occur in the group in parallel to the real day.

They force the individual to live in a kind of social bipolarity.

This new, enchanting world is attracting the interest of power and marketing.

Let’s talk about energy.

Ours is a quantum mind and the quantum revelation of thought and speech can alter the balance of collective emotion and affect the perception of the self.

The emotional solicitation linked to the constant communicative interaction contributes to the creation of an active black hole into which they pour, acquiring their own dimension, energy, affectivity and creativity.

Matter is more energetic than particles; quantum physicists have discovered that the observation of infinitesimal particles of the atom affects the behavior of energy and matter.

The electron appears after and as result of the observation.

Thus, the mind that exerts perceptible changes in the physical world is a quantum mind.

Thoughts emit electromagnetic signals and send electrical signals into a quantum field.

Thus, this cloud of energy that surrounds us coexists with the electro-magnetic field that comes from our brain activity.

One can imagine that the convergence of a considerable number of people towards a communication circuit can be accompanied by a phenomenal displacement of energy that succeeds in structuring itself, creating a new pole of energetic attraction.

One can realistically imagine that the energy released by frequent communication, constant mental visualizations of the virtual world, by the concentration of emotions linked to multiple interactions with unknown people, can create a cloud with unlimited potential.

The virtual world, which has long influenced the real, could turn out to be much more concrete than

At the furthest limit of matter?

Could we manage to measure the level of energy unleashed by this man-made storm?

Could we use it?

Could we find the limit between thought, energy, spirituality and faith?

Or maybe these are the four levels of immortality and of consciousness obviously and of the Soul?

The real world exists.

The imaginary world exists.

There is also a world made of the energy of thought.

Welcome to the Third World…

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